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The batman arkham city launcher.ini file is an important file that stores many system settings. Many other files reference this setting, so it is important to understand the contents of the batman arkham city launcher.ini without having to edit it ourselves. This article provides a detailed analysis of the file and what all its settings mean. It also includes code examples for customizing your .ini file and instructions on how to use them effectively in order to reduce confusion and make changes easier with fewer edits. So if you want to know more about how your steam account works, or need help getting started with a new program, read on! More Info: https://www. A link to the official Steamworks documentation for this file can be found here. This link is only present because Valve's official steamworks documentation is lacking in some areas, and Valve has made an effort to fix this by creating this wiki page. As of December 11, 2013, however, Steamworks has removed from their list of available partner pages since they were no longer hosting any sort of 'official' Team Liquid content - you are therefore now required to subscribe to Team Liquid's own youtube channel in order to view their current content (although all older videos are still available at the archive). The steamworks documentation remains available at The batman arkham city launcher.ini file is an important file that stores many system settings. Many other files reference this setting, so it is important to understand the contents of the batman arkham city launcher.ini without having to edit it ourselves. An article for this file can be found here: Simple fixes and extra features for your Batman: Arkham City .ini files It explains some simple tweaks you can make to Batman: Arkham City's configuration files to improve performance and fix various issues such as FPS drops and incorrect FOV on certain systems (particularly laptops). The easiest way to find the file is by navigating to the Library folder in Steam's main folder. There are many files in this folder, but the one we are interested in is called launcher.ini . Due to its size it can be hard to read all in one go. To help you navigate it better, here is a few hints on how the file's sections are structured. Each section is preceded by a header that let's us know what new information this section contains. The lines that start with a semicolon (;) belong to the file and follow the same rules as the other lines. They can be edited and deleted just like any other line, and they should always be kept at their current length (i.e.: don't add extra blank space or delete existing blank space). There is one exception, however: When you want to make a quick edit to something like your Steam ID (this will be explained later) you should not delete the semicolon or add blank space; it has to stay as ;STEAM_0:0:XXXXX . cfa1e77820